The Power Of The Emoji
25th July 2019
Did you know almost every business can use an emoji or two to increase their SEO results? Sounds silly I know but, hear me out (and this comes after LOTS of testing).
There are many factors that go into a top ranking page on Google, over 200 according to Google and whilst great onpage, great conversion optimisation and great offsite SEO is a must, there’s one piece of the puzzle that is by far the most powerful…. <drum roll> its “user metrics”.
User metrics are…
1. Click rate from Google to your site (the most powerful of all, which is where our emoji strategy comes into play)
2. Time on site
3. Bounce rate
The click rate from Google, ie, if you’re page one in Google and you’re shown 100 times, and 1 person clicks on you, you have a 1% click rate, this is the biggest SEO factor there is. Improve this and great things happen, have the best SEO provider in the world and have a lot click rate, and there’s nothing that can save you from loosing your page 1 position.
So, how does an emoji help ? Well, to increase your click rate from Google you need to improve two aspects…
1. The users eyes checking you out
2. Standing out from the crowd
…. so adding an emoji or two in your title or description can make you stand out and users look at you first as this is a very new strategy which most don’t know about.
On one of my hobby sites for example, click rates when from an average of 3.87% to 8.14% within 60 days by just adding four emoji to the end of all my titles and one emoji at the end of the meta, this is all I added below…
… I did a URL inspector on all pages via Google console to speed up Google processing this and not only have click rates improved, so more visitors buying, but the keyword ranking improvements have already started to speed up, and this site is pretty new and doesn’t have a great deal of active SEO yet.
If you use WordPress simply add YoastSEO plugin and follow the steps below to add your emoji to your title and meta description, if you use another CMS it should hopefully be very similar. So to add an emoji to WordPress simply go to: – use the search to find what you want, you might want multiple to give a little story, like my example above, the idea was to show a journey of: look / shop / happy / hands in air – the emoji at the end with the cool shades on, that was just to make it stand out a little more. So find the emoji you want, at the bottom copy it, and simply paste this into your title or meta in YoastSEO and update the page, clear your cache if you need to, and do a URL inspector on Google console to speed up processing of this (please note: the changes wont be instant, Google needs to crawl your page and update its index before it shows, depending on many factors this can take anything from a few hours to many weeks).
Here’s to increase your click rates with the power emoji improving your SEO ?
BONUS TIP: Shhh, this is fresh in, and not guaranteed but worth trying, if you do AdWords PPC, some niches are able to use emoji’s in the ad copy, and Google rewards click rate in AdWords as well, so not only more clicks but also higher “quality score” resulting in higher placement on the page and lower click costs.