The Internal Silo Strategy – Very Powerful

  •   1st November 2019
  •   : Blog

IMPORTANT – I know this looks a lot of text, but honestly it’s really worth reading because these tactics can power up your SEO by x2 or x3 so rather than paying x2 or x3 or waiting longer to get results, why not deploy these tactics and get the best results possible 🙂

Most SEO’s focus on a) getting the site and pages optimised (onpage) and then b) powerful, safe, relevant backlinks (offpage) and this is the core power of SEO, even if over the years Google algos such as Penguin, make elements complex such as anchor text use, ratios drip, etc so its not as simple as it appears when I make these statements, these are still the most commonly focused areas and get great results.

The above misses out two very powerful aspects, user metrics (which I’ll write another blog post about soon and link to it from here) and silo strategy ie, internal links / votes.

As you might already know, a link from another high quality site, that is either in the same niche as you or another niche that has “topical relevancy” that also has great SEO , real traffic and rankings etc, is the main powerful house of offsite SEO. But, there’s other links that are often overlooked and are a one time project that can really powerful things up, the silo strategy.

A silo strategy is basically internal links done in a certain way to pass internal power and voting to a certain SEO target / goal. In the past there has been many complex silo’s and we have 100s of silo tests running all the time but the strategy I’m about to share below is the most powerful and thankfully, one of the simplest. There’s 3 parts to it, you may not be able to, or want to do all 3 parts, so I’ve put them in most important first order. If you can, I would highly recommend doing all 3, but at a push, try to do at least 1 and 2.

IMPORTANT: This can take a little time for Google to process, however doing this can have the impact of whatever power, budget you’re putting into SEO, of turbo charging it by x2 or x3 so it’s a great investment for the mid term and can be repeated when any new keywords / SEO pages are added into your SEO strategy.


Tactic 1 – Links From The “best” 7 Pages


Here we’re going to ask Google, what are the best pages on my site for keyword X, then on the best 7 (excluding the homepage and the SEO page itself, if that shows up on Google) and working in the keyword into the content and making the exact keyword and link to the SEO page.

so if your site is and the keyword to boost with this strategy is “blue widgets” you would search this in Google … “blue widgets”

or if your site was you would search for… “blue widgets”

… Google will then tell you what pages are the best for that keywords, best at the top, so now open up the top 7 pages in Google in a new tab, remember, ignore the homepage and the SEO page itself if that is there

Now on these 7 pages or posts, work in the keyword and make that exact keyword and link to the SEO page. Once done, remember to flush / clear any cache on the site if you have caching.

Final step, go to your Google console account, and do a url inspector on each of the 7 pages / posts and click to have it reindexed again – this is the quickest way to get Google to see the new links you’ve added.

Now you have done the “best 7 silo” strategy. Now simply repeat for every keyword eg… “red widgets”

… open the top 7 excluding the homepage and the SEO page itself, work the keyword into the content, make it a link to the SEO page, do a url inspector in your Google console. (Please feel free to reach out to me if you’re not sure on any of this and I can help 😊


Tactic 2 – Homepage & Back Silo Boost


This is a very simple strategy….

1. simply work all your SEO keywords into your homepage content, this can be inside a read more piece of content and then turn each keyword into a link, using the exact keyword as the anchor text link to the target SEO page

2. On the target SEO page you linked to, link back to the homepage using the keyword you want that SEO page to rank for

So, lets say you want to rank for “yellow widgets” – you would…

1. work “yellow widgets” into the homepage content and make that a link to the SEO page

2. you would edit the “yellow widgets” SEO page, so the words “yellow widgets” are a link back to the homepage

You would repeat this for all keywords and once done, do a url inspector in your Google console account on the homepage and all SEO pages you edited to link back to the homepage.

Tactic 3 – Support Page / Post Boost Silos


These can be very powerful but does require a monthly amount of new content to work. It can be as little as a few new pages / posts per month but the more you can do the better.

Lets say you want to rank for “purple widgets” and you have a dedicated SEO page for this, and you’ve done silo strategies 1 and 2 above, you can now do additional pages / posts that “boost” this keyword / SEO page.

We have a system that uses Googles knowledge data to reverse engineer what other pages and keywords that could link to the “purple widgets” page would a) increase Googles trust in this keyword and SEO page whilst b) provided additional traffic from the new pages / posts as well.

So for the keyword “purple widgets” we might put this into our system and Google comes back and tells us we’re best to write these new posts / pages…

what is a widget
benefits of widgets
history of the widget
buy purple widgets today
… so now if you make pages / posts for these eg

… now here’s the simply silo / linking to make

1. the new page / post eg will link to the SEO page you want to boost, and the link text (anchor text) will be the keyword you want to boost, ie “purple widgets”

2. On the main SEO page to boost, ie “purple widgets” that will have a link to and the text link / anchor text would be “what is a widget”

… and this would be the same for every page or post you make. For example, if you had 20 keywords and 20 SEO pages, I would recommend doing 5 support pages max to start off with, for each of these 20 keywords so in this example this would be 100 new pages, and I do 1 for keyword 1 first, then another 1 for keyword 2, so the first 20 support pages benefit the each of the single SEO pages – then the next 20 would mean you have 2 supporting pages to each – this is the best way to do it because this is a mid term content strategy so you might find when you’re on eg round 3 of doing this for each SEO page, some are reacting so well that maybe you prioritise some of the other keyword / SEO pages now.

Like the other strategies, when you make a new post / page, and / or you add a link to any, you always need to flush your cache (if you have one) and the do a url inspector on your Google console account so Google processes this very quickly.

TIP: Your support pages / posts will get traffic to them as well so they also need to be sales focused / optimised for conversions just like any other SEO page, yes these additional supporting pages and posts boost the original SEO page however lets be greedy and also get some new business from the supporting pages and posts as well.

QUESTION TIME: Is it best to be a page or a post ? in Googles eyes, both are just a bunch of html so it doesn’t matter, however often a blog is more information based and not the best type of content to get a sale or lead, but you can make a blog post that converts very well so long as you look at it with conversion optimisation in mind, ie, do we have multiple call to actions on the page, do we mention all the benefits of the product service, is it obvious what the next step is, do we have any “hooks” so them to take action now, eg special deal ends in X time, call us now to get a coupon for 10% off, etc.

For this strategy, you’ll need an active SEO package with us and let us know which keywords you wish to use this one, and we’ll then get the data for you so we know what news pages / posts are best to make to boost the main SEO pages.




Of course, without an active SEO package ie…

… and great onpage SEO for the SEO target pages / posts which you can check at…

… and lastly our offsite work, details at…

… these strategies on their own wont deliver much punch, however, in combination with everything above they can really turbo charge your results by x2 or x3 so really worth doing.

Any questions on any of these please shout and I cant stress enough how powerful all 3 of these can be.



How to do a URL inspector


Just a little video on how to do a URL inspector – best to do this for every page / post whenever you make a new one or do any changes whatsoever, to speed up Google’s processing.

If you don’t have an account (and for SEO it’s a must) you can grab a free account from Google from

The video is also available on YouTube at

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