Free SEO Coronavirus Stopgap Package
Free Coronavirus Stopgap Package
How to protect your business by ensuring your online marketing doesn't plummet during the Coronavirus crisis.
Dear clients: If you have a live SEO package with me at the moment, please note that this free additional resource I'm offering on the "Coronavirus Stopgap Package" has automatically been applied to your account because a) I am not looking to make profit from clients that are trying to weather this storm with me and b) for those that can continue, this extra power will hopefully pay off even more when we're out the other side of this crisis. Any questions on this please contact me.
(If you need to find this page again, its at the top of the menu under "Coronavirus Stopgap Package")
Short version = Abruptly stopping SEO is very risky for the mid-term. However, if you have to cancel SEO (either with me or your own provider) I am offering a 100% free "stopgap package" (detailed below) to help protect against penalties and SEO footprints that could seriously hurt your sites SEO rankings for years to come. No catches, I don't need any payment info or anything in return. However, PLEASE only use this free package if you must stop SEO and your business needs SEO traffic when this situation is over to help recover and grow again.
Please share this page if you know any business this could help. Full details below...
Please note this is 100% free, I'm not looking to make any money on this. In fact, I have just ordered another x50 cloud accounts to increase my capacity even more to try and help people and when needed I can order more. Over the many years I've been in online marketing I've enjoyed an income I could never of imagined. I'm just a normal guy nothing special, so I want to try and give a little back. Please share this page if you think it can really help someone. Especially smaller businesses that might struggle to weather these storms.
Stopgap Package - 100% Free, IF Needed
I don’t’ have a lot of ways I can try to help people during this crisis; however I do hope I can help some businesses recover faster once this is all over and normality is resumed by helping those that have to stop their SEO to avoid the negatives that come with this, such as SEO footprints, SEO penalties, etc.
During these times, the Google algorithm will keep running, so if you were doing whitehat SEO and suddenly stop, this could really hurt your SEO for a long time and the effects won't likey show instantly.
Because a lot of my clients competitors are either stopping or ramping down their SEO efforts, those with budgets that allow them to, are continuing or even increasing their SEO budgets, so when things get back to normal their business will be at a much stronger position to recover faster and grow again. However if you need to stop your SEO with me, or another SEO provider (this is now open to business owners that have never been a client) then the “Coronavirus stopgap package” below, is designed to reduce the negative risks of just stopping SEO instantly.
What is the Coronavirus stopgap package ?
This is a small SEO package designed to keep a) brand signal in place and slightly increasing for Google trust b) keywords and SEO pages getting a little offsite power to stop any negative SEO footprint.
How much does the package cost ?
It's 100% free and will continue to be free for 3 months after the current situation is considered "over" i.e. when businesses can then start to look at recovery and growth again. There will be invoices sent out with £0.00 or $0.00 due to how my services are linked to the invoice system and I’d rather focus on increasing my resources to help people than changing how the invoice system works. For existing clients that cancelled, the "budget" provided will be the greater of £100/m / $100 or 20% of the average of their last 3 months invoices. For non clients, the budget I will provide for free will be £100/m / $100/m.
What SEO will take place ?
The goal is not to increase your rankings - the free budgets are not enough for this. It's designed to a) keep brand signal SEO in place and slightly increasing and b) ensure all pages and posts that have keywords ranking receive a little SEO to show Google you've not instantly stopped SEO, thus reducing the risk of footprints and penalties. So, when the time is best for you to restart SEO with me or your previous provider, you can easily transition from this to normal SEO.
What are the catches ?
No catch, I honestly just want to help as much as possible – however I kindly ask that the free packages are only used to help real businesses, i.e. if you have a little new affiliate site please don’t take up a “slot” as I don’t have unlimited resources on this. Also, if at any point your business can restart SEO with "normal" budgets, again either with me or your previous provider, please let me know so I can move the budget to help another business as I will only have limited availability for this. When things return to normal, you can go back to your usual provider, I will not be hassling anyone to use any of my services, this is not my mid-term goal here. As a firm believer in Karma and law of attraction etc, if I can help your business a little during these challenging times, this is good enough for me 🙂
Will this increase my rankings ?
Under normal circumstances, probably not – however if your competitors are just stopping, they could really hurt their own SEO , so it's impossible to tell. However, if you do have budget to continue your normal SEO (either with me, or your current provider) I would suggest you continue so that when the dust settles, you are likely to be in a much stronger position, especially if your competitors reduce or stop their SEO efforts.
Should I just stop SEO now and take this package to save money and protect my business ?
This depends on your situation and cash flow. If you have to stop SEO to ensure the survival of your business of course, it needs stopping asap, and I would advise using this stopgap package. However, if you have the budget (at least for now) to continue, or maybe even increase, it could actually protect the business more in the mid to long term. If your competitors are slowing down or stopping, this is a time you could overtake them in readiness for when the world returns to normal, so in this situation, I would think carefully about stopping SEO with your provider.
Is there a PPC stopgap package ?
No, with PPC you can stop and start with only a few minor issues so unlike SEO where any big SEO changes can trigger penalties down the line, PPC doesn’t require any such “protection” strategy.
How do I sign up ?
All clients that have a need to stop will be put on this package unless they state they don’t want it.
For everyone else, please contact me here and mention the free Coronavirus stopgap package and provide the following info…
- your website url
- any keywords / urls you have been working on
- what SEO has been performed in the last 6 months
- your most important 10 keywords (for tracking)
Any questions please contact me and I really hope this helps a few businesses come out the other side in a better position.
PLEASE NOTE: This free service is only offered to sites that a) have SEO rankings already i.e. something to protect and b) there are signs of SEO on third party tools such as ahrefs, moz, etc so there is also a footprint for Google that needs to be maintained. This will be checked and if there appears nothing to "protect" please do not be offended if we are unable to offer this to you.
Please "fold" to help Coronavirus research.
Please start "folding" to help Stanford University research Covid-19 / Coronavirus. Its' free and simple and could make a difference. Click here for more info.
Above all, stay safe and let's look out for each other.